Monday, 19 September 2011

Analysis Of Media Texts


This media text is in the form of an television adevertisment, this is a great way of advertising as it reaches a wide demographic, many people are subjected to advertisements and comericals between there favourite shows this means that a wide audience are likely to view the advert. However as WKD is a product aimed at adults it would have to be used after the watershed and as a result would have to seperate itself from the many other advertisments viewers are subjected to in this busy television slot.

OFCOM the television regulators would have to restrict this advert from being shown before the waterhshed and therfore the company WKD would have to make sure that there advertisment is diffrent and inotitive to atract the attention of its demographic. How do they do this? Well The company WKD would have to produce some basic ideas for the advert and requiremnts that the advert should include before it is allowed to air. This means creative teams would have to research the likes and dislikes of the demographic which they wish to aim at and outline key features in the advert which they would like to see.

This is then sent to an advertising compnay were the vision for the advert is developed and produced, it is then retunred to the client which is WKD for their aproval and any chnages that need to be made are produced. After the advert is complete the regulator OFCOM has to aprove the advert, making sure it complies with regulations of advertising. Producing the advert would cost alot of money and therfore it is vital that mistakes are kept to a minimum, the client which is WKD would have to pay the advertising agency which they use to produce the advert and would have to pay the agency for the final production of the advert for example the location which they use and the actors which are in the advertisment.

WKD is an well established adult drinks company and therfore as it is a known company advertisements are easier to construct; agancies are more likely to work with more established brands as it improves there repuatation. Finally all organisations that take part in the advetisment WKD its self and the agency which it uses would hope that as a result of a sucsesfull advert the product is recieved well and is popular with the target demogarphic this would idicate a sucssesfull campaign for WKD and would mean that the advertising agency gains credit for the succsesfull job and is likely to be used for future campaigns.


In media representations are vital, audiences asses the representation of a product and make descions on weather it is a product they like or dislike, this often means that media texts such as this one; a television advert would try to respresent as many people from a variety of diffrent social groups, this would means that the product WKD could be acociated with a wide demographic and as a result gain succses. However in this text many social groups are excluded and the focus of the advert is the portayl of a "typical" man wanting to spend time drinking with his firends as the expense of a women. This advert is comical and is very popular with men as there is an instant acosication with the scenerio of the advert. However this generally excludes wommen and could be said is sexist towards Wommen as it is funny at the expense of Wommen.

The advert is complelty restrictive in the groups that it represents  but as it is one advert in a large campign it aims at achieving the attention of one group of people within society which is men, there are other adverts in the WKD campaign which relate to other groups such as wommen and therfore this disective method of reaching target demographics aims to get a variety of people acoicated with this drink.

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