Wednesday 21 September 2011

To what extent is the opening of children of men a cinematic genius? Discuss.

The film "Children of Men" has been nominated for some of the most prestigious awards within the film industry and it is easy to see why; this film is considered a cinematic genius. The use of language throughout this text is outstanding. The use of a variety of camera shots for example MS and P.OV is the reason why we call the opening of this film a cinematic genius, these shots enable the audience to view a variety of different emotions from characters for example the variety of facial expression from the crowd of people in the café, it also allows us an audience to be a part of the film as the P.O.V includes the audience in the opening of the film, when the camera rotates round the main character it sets us up for the explosion which is about to occur, this is absolute genius as it is the last thing the audience expects and draws the audience in to the tragedy which is about to occur.

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