Friday 23 September 2011

Why should we have a screening at BDA?

In my view this documentary should be screened across the entire country, it is different, innovative and just brilliant. I feel that by having such a documentary screened here it could help us as Media A-Level students massively it will give us an exciting edge over other students and provide us with interesting knowledge about media, which is just what we need, i could not think of anything better to help us through this course, it would be amazing if we could have a screening a BDA

Not only will the screening of the documentary help us as Media-A-Level students but I feel that it will help broaden the perception of media in this school and the surrounding area. BDA is a place where social media is relied upon a lot and I feel that by having this screening it could help a vast amount of people have a more in-depth knowledge about Social Media.

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